- "Justice League. The stain under my eyes. Seems I have a bone to pick with you."
- ―Darkseid
Crisis on Infinite Earths is a 2032 superhero film based on the DC Comics storyline of the same name. A sequel to Justice League I, Justice League II, Justice League III, Justice League: The Anti-Life Equation - Part I, and Justice League: The Anti-Life Equation - Part II, it is the 48th and final film in the DC Extended Universe and the final installment of the Dark Age. It was released on November 17, 2032.
The film introduces ... into the DCEU.
The last stand of the multiverse begins as the Anti-Monitor awakens.
To be added
Main characters[]
- TBA as Mar Novu/Monitor
- McKenna Grace as Lyla Michaels/Harbinger
- Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman
- Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman †
- Gemma Arterton as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
- Danny Ramirez as Kyle Rayner/White Lantern
- TBA as Scott Free/Mister Miracle
- Ragga Ragnars as Barda Free/Big Barda
- Cameron Monaghan as Orion
- Lucas Hedges as Wally West/Flash
- Matt Ryan as John Constantine
- Elizabeth Gillies as Zatanna
- Keith David as Kent Nelson/Doctor Fate
- Olivia Rodrigo as Jenny Quantum
- TBA as Anti-Monitor
- Ray Porter as Darkseid †
- TBA as Grail
- Ellie Bamber as Kara Zor-El
- TBA as Myrina †
- Peter Guinness as Desaad †
- Christian Bale as Thomas Wayne Jr./Owlman
- D.J. Cotrona as Kal-El/Ultraman
- Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Lois Lane/Superwoman
- TBA as Jonathan Chambers/Johnny Quick
- Jason Momoa as Sea King
- TBA as Power Ring
- TBA as Deathstorm
Side characters[]
- TBA as Dick Grayson/Nightwing
- Zoey Deutch as Barbara Gordon
- TBA as Jason Todd/Red Hood †
- Leah Lewis as Cassandra Cain
- Milly Alcock as Stephanie Brown
- TBA as Damian Wayne
- Taylor Russell as Helena Bertinelli/Huntress
- Niles Fitch as Virgil Hawkins/Static
- Joel Oulette as Roy Harper/Red Arrow
- Sasha Calle as Miss Martian
- Madeleine Mantock as Koriand'r/Starfire
- Aramis Knight as Garfield Logan
- Xolo Maridueña as Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle
- Bruna Marquezine as Beatriz Da Costa/Fire
- TBA as Michael Holt/Mister Terrific
- TBA as Kara Zor-L/Power Girl
- Teagan Croft as Courtney Whitmore/Stargirl
- Javicia Leslie as Mari McCabe/Vixen
- Dwayne Johnson as Teth-Adam/Black Adam
- Lucy Fry as Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
- Derek Mears as Swamp Thing
- Ray Fisher as Victor Stone/Cyborg †
- Emilia Clarke as Mera †
- TBA as Etrigan †
- TBA as Terry McGinnis/Batman
- TBA as Mar'i Grayson
- Amazon armor
- Anti-Life Equation
- Antimatter
- Batsuit
- Blue Beetle Scarab
- Cosmic Staff
- Huntress' crossbow
- Kryptonian Supersuits
- Lantern power rings
- Life Equation
- Mega-Rod
- Tantu totem
- Demons
- Humans
- Kryptonians
- New Gods
- Shadow demons
- Tamaraneans
- White Martians
- Crime Syndicate
- Darkseid's Elite
- House of El
- Insurgency
- Justice League
- Justice League Dark
- Justice Society of America
- Titans