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"I guess all it takes for me to change was to be stranded and left for dead on an island infested with drug traffickers."
Oliver Queen

Green Arrow is a 2023 superhero film based on the comic book Green Arrow: Year One. A spin-off of Birds of Prey, it is the 23rd film in the DC Extended Universe and the 1st installment of the Bronze Age. It was released on February 14, 2023.

A sequel, Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters, was released in 2027.

The film introduces China White and Hackett into the DCEU.


In 2007, CEO of Queen Industries Oliver Queen, his business partner Hackett and his girlfriend Sunny explores the snowy Northern US.

Few days later, Ollie, Hackett, and Sunny attends a charity auction to help combat Star City's drug problem. A drunk Oliver buys a bow and arrow for $100,000 on the first bid, takes the stage and rambles about the crowd being druggies themselves, embarrassing himself in front of the whole crowd of other rich businessmen. Queen, Hackett, and Sunny later went home by car, driven by Queen's bodyguard Dinah Lance. Queen and Hackett further discuss their business plans.

A few days later, Ollie and Hackett discuss on Ollie's yacht heading to the Caribbean, with Hackett forbidding Dinah to accompany Ollie. Ollie discovers Hackett's betrayal and they fight, with Hackett overpowering Ollie and knocking him unconscious, just before Hackett shoots Ollie, Dinah swoops in and fights Hackett, Hackett then throws Ollie off the boat, leading Dinah to hop off and rescue him from drowning. Hackett tries to shoot Dinah but misses and runs out of ammo. Thinking they wouldn't survive, he drives the boat back to the US and leaves Ollie and Dinah to drown.

An hour later, Dinah manages to ashore to a nearby island, Starfish Island. Ollie wakes up and finds Dinah asleep. They both then try to scour the island to find anything that would help them survive, and discovers that the island is inhabited and seemingly dangerous, with skulls full of bullet holes. Ollie constructs an makeshift bow and arrow to hunt fish, while Dinah tries to find a way to make drinkable water.

Two weeks have passed and Ollie and Dinah still tries to survive on the island, not knowing a way back home. While in the jungles, they meet a plane passing by and Ollie shoots a flare arrow, only to be greeted with gunfire. Ollie takes them down with an arrow, and the plane lands far to the mountains. Ollie and Dinah then goes to the crash site, a field of opium poppies. It was then they discover that the guys were drug traffickers and the island is their den. After taking some of their belongings, Ollie and Dinah encounter a pregnant native woman, Taiana, she informs them about what's going on in the island, and that they were harvesting genetically modified poppies for a crime syndicate led by China White.

Shortly after China White arrives at the crash site with Hackett. Hackett forces Taiana to tell the truth about who shot down the plane and goes to the jungles to find the mystery man, reuniting with Ollie. Ollie pins him to a tree with an arrow, although Hackett manages to escape and Ollie is left unconscious. Ollie then wakes up to find Dinah and Taiana mending him, using the drugs. Hackett returns to China White and is scolded, China White then prepares her men to take down Oliver Queen.

After Ollie recovers, he offers Taiana to go with him to America, but Taiana would rather help her people first and parts ways with Ollie. Unfortunately, China White's men found their way to them and abruptly kills Taiana. In a drug-fueled rage, Ollie breaks his bow, and Dinah helps him escape the gunmen. They found Ollie's yacht in which Hackett used to go to the island, where Ollie finds the bow he's bought at the auction. Rather than going back to the US, Ollie is determined to avenge Taiana and help the enslaved people of the island, with Dinah agreeing as well. The final battle begins.

China White's men spots the fire Ollie made as bait, and was ambushed by him and Dinah, they fight off more men, now on boats, and steals the boat to infiltrate the main island system. Ollie and Dinah devise a plan to simultaneously free the slaves, with Ollie creating a distraction by blowing up their tanks and Dinah freeing them. The slaves all attack and kill the drug traffickers, with some of them fleeing. The slaves proceed to burn down all of the opium crops.

Dinah reunites with Ollie and they both take the last stand, fighting off many fighters, with Dinah exhausting her Canary Cry. After most of them men were defeated, Hackett were held at gunpoint by Dinah, preparing to kill him, however, Ollie protested, seeing as he deserves jail time, but they were interrupted by China shooting Hackett dead. China then fight off both Ollie and Dinah, managing to defend herself but eventually losing, thus the end of the conflict. A.R.G.U.S. arrives and they detain the surviving criminals.


Ollie reunites with Sunny and addresses the media about his experiences. Dinah trains young Helena Bertinelli martial arts in her private training dojo.

Mid-credits scene: -

Post-credits scene: -


Main characters[]

Side characters[]





  • Robert Queen
  • Moira Queen







The film was announced after Green Arrow's appearance in Birds of Prey. It was confirmed it would adapt the Year One storyline and would be an origin story.


  • The year the movie is set in, 2007, is the same year the comic book the film is based on Green Arrow: Year One, was released.
  • Instead of Fiji, the island that Oliver washed ashore in this film is in the Caribbeans.
  • Dark Archer was considered to be in the film.