- "Men are still good; we fight, we kill, we betray one another - but we can rebuild. We can do better. We will, we have to."
- ―Bruce Wayne about humankind[src]
Humans (Homo sapiens), also known as Terrans to aliens or Surface Dwellers to the Atlanteans, are the dominant species of the planet Earth.
They are a sister species to the Atlanteans, the sea-dwelling inhabitants of the Atlantean Empire, and, as a collective, possess several unique genetic traits that allow a small number of them to become powerful Metahumans. A smaller subspecies of humans known as Homo magi can also naturally channel magical energies.
Thanagarian Arrival and Advancement[]
Darkseid's First Invasion of Earth[]
World War I[]
World War II[]
Darkseid's Second Invasion of Earth[]
Humans are distinguished from other primates by their bipedal locomotion, and well-developed brain, which enables high levels of abstract reasoning, language, problem-solving, and culture through social learning. Human biology is considered to be fairly average for galactic standards. Humans, however, do carry the genetic potential to become one of the most powerful races in the universe, however, human physiology is years away from this level of power.
Known humans[]
See list
External links[]
Humans on DC Database
Human on Wikipedia