Darian's DC Extended Universe Wiki

"This is clichéd as fuck but those motherfuckers will pay for what they did to my mom."
―Huntress to Red Hood[src]

Helena Rosa Bertinelli, also known as the Huntress, is a former vigilante and the only surviving member of the Bertinelli crime family.

Ever since she saw her family being murdered in front of her, she has become a vengeful person, demanding her guardian that she be trained martial arts and later, weaponry. In 2007 she eventually meets Dinah Lance as her first trainer.

In her adult life she began actively searching for her parents' killer, who's face had never left Helena's mind.


Early life[]

Helena was born of an affair her mother had with one of her family's servants in Gotham sometime after her family moved to the United States.

Massacre of the Bertinelli family[]

While dining at a restaurant, agents of the Falcone crime family led by Stefano Mandragora barged in and shot up the restaurant in an attempt to kill the Bertinelli crime family. Surviving the massacre, Helena is traumatized seeing the dead bloody bodies of her parents.

Meeting Dinah Lance[]

In 2007, After having her guardian (her biological father which she later found out about) signed her up to be trained martial arts, she meets with Oliver Queen's bodyguard Dinah Lance.[1]

Hunt for the Falcone mob[]

During this time she begins actively hunting the ones who were responsible for the murder of her parents

Red Hood's War[]

To be added

Manhunt of the Birds of Prey[]

To be added

Battle at the Iceberg Lounge[]

To be added

Return of Lady Shiva[]

To be added


To be added


  • Expert martial artist: Having been trained by Dinah Lance among many, she grew to be a formidable fighter.
  • Expert acrobat: Helena is an agile individual who can scale over obstacles with little issue.
  • Master marksman: Huntress is lethal with her weapon and can fire from various ranges and her arrows will always find their target.
  • Multilingualism: Helena can speak English, Italian, and Spanish.


  • Suit: She has her own distinctive suit.
  • Domino mask: Much like the robins she wears a domino mask as a way to cover her identity.
  • Crossbow: Huntress' main weapon of choice is a crossbow.



  • Franco Bertinelli - father
  • Maria Bertinelli - mother




External links[]

