Darian's DC Extended Universe Wiki

"I have a vision of an Earth as clean and pure as a snow-swept mountain, or the desert on where I was born!"
―Ra's al-Ghul[src]

Ra's al-Ghul (Arabic: رأس الغول), translates to Head of the Ghoul, is radical international eco-terrorist who has lived since the 13th century.

After discovering a substance that imbues the user to return to youth, he gained immortality and began to develop his wealth over time. He then forms the League of Assassins, an organization that specializes in assassinations. Although most of his power comes from his immense influence, he is also a formidable combatant, having the benefit of many lifetimes worth of experience and accumulated skill.

His most substantial act of terrorism occurred in which he manipulated and controlled Batman to go against the Justice League and to render the world unintelligible.


Early life[]

Ra's al-Ghul was born to nomads in present-day Saudi Arabia.

Discovery of the Lazarus Pit[]

To be added

Age of conquest[]

To be added

Resurrecting Jason Todd[]

To be added

Sending Damian to Batman[]

To be added

Project Tower of Babel[]

To be added


To be added


To be added

Powers and abilities[]


  • Lazarus Pit Enhancements: Due to centuries of using the mysterious substance, numerous exposures to the pits enhanced his strength, speed, stamina, agility, and durability.
    • Longevity: Through the use of the Lazarus Pit, Ra's has acquired a greatly extended lifespan, allowing him to live a near immortal life for centuries.
    • Enhanced Stamina:
    • Enhanced Agility:


  • Peak Human Condition:
  • Master Martial Artist: Ra's long life has attributed him vast wealth, knowledge, and power. This has allowed him to learn numerous fighting styles over the years, making him rival even Batman in hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting.
    • Master Swordsman:
  • Master Combatant:
  • Genius-Level Intellect: Ra's possesses a genius level intellect with aptitudes in a wide variety of sciences and medicine and has lived for centuries to master many skills.
    • Alchemy: Ra's is capable of creating unique potions that would be inconceivable using traditional methods.
    • Tactical Analysis: Ra's is a brilliant tactician, planning his exploits many months, even years in advanced.
    • Leadership: Ra's is a highly capable leader, as he has led the League of Assassins for centuries.
    • Business Management: With the League of Assassins flourishing in business for wealth, Ra's has shown to be capable of maintaining his organization.
    • Master Manipulator:
    • Multilingualism: Over the course of his life he has learned many languages around the world.








External Links[]
