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Vandal Savage, born Vandar Adg, was an immortal ancient warmonger, having lived for thousands of years since the Stone Age. He gained powers after a meteor struck his vicinity and he was hit with the impact shock wave, waking up with a heightened intelligence, he became the supreme leader of his tribe and was revered as a god. With his intelligence and power, he erected the first ever empires on Earth and became a historic figure several times.

In ancient Egypt, he took the identity of Hath-Set and attempted to take over Egypt from the rule of Khufu and Chay-Ara, failing, he eventually cooperated with Black Adam to rebuild Kahndaq, but as he was hunted by the Egyptians, he plundered Kahndaq into war, but managed to kill the Hawkmen.

He caused World War I by assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand.


Early life[]

Vandar Adg was a Cro-Magnon born in the 46th millennium BC, in what would one day be the Perigord Noir region of France, as the son of the Blood tribe chief. One day while hunting, he looked up at the sky to see a blinding light coming towards him, he ran away but not far enough that he was hit by the shock wave of the impact.

He was knocked out and woke up a day later with enhanced intelligence, as a sabertooth tried to attack him, he successfully killed it using his bare hands, discovering he had gained super strength as well.

Rise to power[]

With his newfound superpower, he became respected and was the

Kahndaqi National Revolution[]

"I shall meet you two again, and kill you all the same."
―Hath-Set to Khufu and Chay-Ara[src]

During the times of Ancient Egypt, he took on the identity of Hath-Set, an Egyptian priest and would eventually make enemies with the Thanagarian pharaohs Khufu and Chay-Ara. He forms a group of powerful warriors to invade Kahndaq and overthrow their king Ahk-Ton, causing chaos and many deaths of Kahndaqis. When Black Adam killed Ahk-Ton, he forms an alliance with Black Adam.

When Khufu and Chay-Ara made their way to Kahndaq to capture him, they were met with the violent offense of Black Adam. As Adam and Khufu fight on, Hath-Set is confronted by Chay-Ara, leading to a fight. He eventually manages to kill Khufu and Chay-Ara with an Nth dagger, cursing them to reincarnate throughout eternity. When Black Adam is finally defeated and imprisoned by the Wizard Shazam, he leaves Kahndaq knowing he already accomplished his mission.[1]

Founding the Akkadian Empire[]

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Darkseid's First Invasion of Earth[]

Vandal led an army of warriors and joined the Unity of Earth to fight against the invading forces of Darkseid.

Starting World War I[]

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Powers and abilities[]


  • Enhanced physiology: Vandar gained powers after being struck with the shock wave of a meteor.
    • Immortality: Unless being murdered, Vandal is immortal, having existed before any human civilization.
    • Enhanced intellect: The meteor enhanced Vandar's brain capacity, making his intelligence immensely exceed his caveman peers.
    • Superhuman strength:
    • Superhuman agility:
    • Superhuman durability:
    • Regenerative healing factor: He was able to heal fast after being wounded while fighting Wonder Woman.
    • Telekinesis: One of the supernatural powers he gained was the ability to manipulate objects.


  • Genius-level intellect: Given his godly lifespan, allowing him unparalleled insight into humanity's darker traits. Vandal's eclectic genius extends itself to his superb leadership, tactical, strategic, demagogic, deceptive, combat, and weapons intuition skills.
    • Master deceiver: Vandal is an extremely experienced deceptive genius, as he very convincingly posed as the human "Sir Ali Morgan", and deceived not only Wonder Woman, but even highly experienced spies like Steve Trevor and his political friends.
    • Master tactician: Vandal is an immensely formidable tactical and strategic genius, especially in regards to military tactics and strategies of war
    • Expert social intuit: In his "Sir Ali Morgan" disguise, Ares has a high degree of social confidence, allowing him to intuitively determine how to interact with others, gain their respect and get his point across with a calmness, eloquence, and charisma that belied his sadistic malevolence, megalomania, bloodthirst, and actual emotional state
    • Warfare expertise: Vandal , is an unparalleled genius in all areas of warfare and military science,
  • Disguise: Nobody suspected him being the one who started World War I by killing the Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • Master combatant: Vandal is a phenomenally skilled, fierce, and formidable armed and unarmed combatant, a master of numerous martial arts, as well as an expert in wielding weapons (be they swords, shields, chains, telekinetically hurled objects, etc.) with millennias of combat experience.
  • Multilingualism: Having been born before languages existed, Vandal has the ability to fluently speak, read, and understand all human languages, even currently dead ones.
  • Tactical analysis:
  • Politics: He was intelligent enough to understand politics that nobody ever suspected him of not being a politician.


  • Nth dagger:






  • Vandal Savage was originally the villain for Wonder Woman before changes were made to save him for a Justice Society show.
  • Vandal Savage was considered to be in the Legion of Doom. With a storyline of him being imprisoned in Themyscira.
  • Vandal Savage was considered to be the first metahuman, and it is theorized that the metahuman gene started with him.
    • It is highly possible that every modern human is a descendant of him.

Externals links[]

